Automated 8 Hour ID and AST from Positive Blood Culture
Overview of the AXDX Pheno platform including bacterial identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Overview of selected projects
Automated 8 Hour ID and AST from Positive Blood Culture
Overview of the AXDX Pheno platform including bacterial identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing
The Scalable HeterOgeneous Computing Benchmark Suite
A humble CUDA, OpenCL, and MPI benchmark suite that grew to over 700 citations
NSF Track 2D GPU Cluster
One of the first large GPU clusters made widely available to NSF scientific computing users
An Early GPGPU Case Study
S3D is one of DoE's applications for studying combustion. During my time at ORNL, I wrote CUDA for one of the major kernels and helped the app team understand how GPUs could help improve performance.